Sunday, July 17, 2011

Good House Keeping

You know, it's not all fun and games around here.  Oh no!  There's plenty of work that gets done in this household.  Last week was no exception.  The floors needed a serious cleaning, and I had just the serious team for the job.  The dirt didn't stand a chance against us!  We had a machine.  We had protective goggles.  We had...

...specialized footware!

 And when the floor was good and clean, we broke out the aerosol chemicals...

 Just for some slippin' and slidin' fun!

OK, so maybe it is all fun and games around here.


The Lenzers said...

you missed a spot!

Mimi & Bubba said...

Hey - you can come to our house, and we'll supply all the equipment! Mimi & Bubba